Sat 06 Nov 2021
Tags: linux, sysadmin
GNU sort is an excellent
utility that is a mainstay of the linux command line. It has all kinds
of tricks up its sleeves, including support for uniquifying records,
stable sorts, files larger than memory, parallelisation, controlled
memory usage, etc. Go read the
man page
for all the gory details.
It also supports sorting with field separators, but unfortunately this
support has some nasty traps for the unwary. Hence this post.
First, GNU sort cannot do general sorts of CSV-style datasets, because
it doesn't understand CSV-features like quoting rules, quote-escaping,
separator-escaping, etc. If you have very simple CSV files that don't
do any escaping and you can avoid quotes altogether (or always use
them), you might be able to use GNU sort - but it can get difficult
Here I'm only interested in very simple delimited files - no quotes
or escaping at all, Even here, though, there are some nasty traps to
watch out for.
Here's a super-simple example file with just two lines and three fields,
called dsort.csv
$ cat dsort.csv
If we do a vanilla sort on this file, we get the following (I'm also
running it through md5sum
to highlight when the output changes):
$ sort dsort.csv | tee /dev/stderr | md5sum
5efd74fa9bef453dd477ec9acb2cef5f -
The longer line sorts before the shorter line because the '+' sign
collates before the second comma in the short line - this is sorting
on the whole line, not on the individual fields.
Okay, so if I want do an individual field sort, I can just use the -t
option, right? You would think so, but unfortunately:
$ sort -t, dsort.csv | tee /dev/stderr | md5sum
5efd74fa9bef453dd477ec9acb2cef5f -
Huh? Why doesn't that work the short line first, like we'd expect?
Maybe it's not sorting on all the fields or something? Do I need to
explicitly include all fields? Let's see:
$ sort -t, -k1,3 dsort.csv | tee /dev/stderr | md5sum
5efd74fa9bef453dd477ec9acb2cef5f -
Huh? What the heck is going on here?
It turns out this unintuitive behaviour is because of the way sort
interprets the the -k
option - -kM,N
(where M != N
) doesn't mean
'sort by field M, then field M+1,... then by field N', it means instead
'join all fields from M to N (with the field separator?), and sort by
that'. Ugh!
So I just need to specify the fields individually? Unfortunately, even
that's not enough:
$ sort -t, -k1 -k2 -k3 dsort.csv | tee /dev/stderr | md5sum
5efd74fa9bef453dd477ec9acb2cef5f -
This is because the first option here - -k1
is interpreted as -k1,3
(since the last field is '3'), because the default 'end-field' is the
last. Double-ugh!
So the takeaway is: if you want an individual-field sort you have to
specify every field individually, AND you have to use -kN,N
like so:
$ sort -t, -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 dsort.csv | tee /dev/stderr | md5sum
493ce7ca60040fa184f1bf7db7758516 -
Yay, finally what we're after!
Also, unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a generic way of
specifying 'all fields' or 'up to the last field' or 'M-N' fields -
you have to specify them all individually. It's verbose and ugly, but
it works.
And for some good news, you can use sort suffixes on those individual
options (like n
for numerics, r
for reverse sorts, etc.) just fine.
Happy sorting!
Wed 13 Feb 2019
Tags: sysadmin, nginx
Solved an interesting problem this week using nginx.
We have an internal nginx webserver for distributing datasets with
dated filenames, like foobar-20190213.tar.gz
. We also create a symlink
called foobar-latest.tar.gz
, that is updated to point to the latest
dataset each time a new version is released. This allows users to just
use a fixed url to grab the latest release, rather than having to scrape
the page to figure out which version is the latest.
Which generally works well. However, one wrinkle is that when you download
via the symlink you end up with a file named with the symlink filename
), rather than a dated one. For some use cases this
is fine, but for others you actually want to know what version of the dataset
you are using.
What would be ideal would be a way to tell nginx to handle symlinks differently
from other files. Specifically, if the requested file is a symlink, look up the
file the symlink points to and issue a redirect to request that file. So you'd
request foobar-latest.tar.gz
, but you'd then be redirected to
instead. This gets you the best of both worlds - a
fixed url to request, but a dated filename delivered. (If you don't need dated
filenames, of course, you just save to a fixed name of your choice.)
Nginx doesn't support this functionality directly, but it turns out it's pretty
easy to configure - at least as long as your symlinks are strictly local (i.e.
your target and your symlink both live in the same directory), and as long as you
have the nginx embedded perl module included in your nginx install (the one from
RHEL/CentOS EPEL does, for instance.)
Here's how:
1. Add a couple of helper directives in the http
context (that's outside/as
a sibling to your server
# Setup a variable with the dirname of the current uri
# cf.
map $uri $uri_dirname {
~^(?<capture>.*)/ $capture;
# Use the embedded perl module to return (relative) symlink target filenames
# cf.
perl_set $symlink_target_rel '
sub {
my $r = shift;
my $filename = $r->filename;
return "" if ! -l $filename;
my $target = readlink($filename);
$target =~ s!^.*/!!; # strip path (if any)
return $target;
2. In a location
section (or similar), just add a test on $symlink_target_rel
and issue a redirect using the variables we defined previously:
location / {
autoindex on;
# Symlink redirects FTW!
if ($symlink_target_rel != "") {
# Note this assumes that your symlink and target are in the same directory
return 301$uri_dirname/$symlink_target_rel;
Now when you make a request to a symlinked resource you get redirected instead to
the target, but everything else is handled using the standard nginx pathways.
$ curl -i -X HEAD
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Server: nginx/1.12.2
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 05:23:11 GMT
Fri 31 Aug 2018
Tags: linux, sysadmin
(Updated April 2020: added new no. 7 after being newly bitten...)
is a useful little cron-like utility that lets you run arbitrary jobs
(like cron
), but instead of being triggered at certain times, your
jobs are triggered by changes to files or directories.
It uses the linux kernel inotify
facility (hence the name), and so it isn't cross-platform, but on linux
it can be really useful for monitoring file changes or uploads, reporting
or forwarding based on status files, simple synchronisation schemes, etc.
Again like cron
, incron
supports the notion of job 'tables' where
commands are configured, and users can have manage their own tables
using an incrontab
command, while root can manage multiple system
So it's a really useful linux utility, but it's also fairly old (the
last release, v0.5.10, is from 2012), doesn't appear to be under
active development any more, and it has a few frustrating quirks that
can make using it unnecessarily difficult.
So this post is intended to highlight a few of the 'gotchas' I've
experienced using incron
You can't monitor recursively i.e. if you create a watch on a
directory incron will only be triggered on events in that
directory itself, not in any subdirectories below it. This isn't
really an incron issue since it's a limitation of the underlying
mechanism, but it's definitely something you'll want
to be aware of going in.
The incron
interface is enough like cron
(incrontab -l
incrontab -e
, man 5 incrontab
, etc.) that you might think
that all your nice crontab features are available. Unfortunately
that's not the case - most significantly, you can't have comments
in incron tables (incron
will try and parse your comment lines and
fail), and you can't set environment variables to be available for
your commands. (This includes PATH, so you might need to explicitly
set a PATH inside your incron scripts if you need non-standard
locations. The default PATH is documented as
That means that cron
support is not available, and in
general there's no easy way of getting access to the stdout or
stderr of your jobs. You can't even use shell redirects in your
command to capture the output (e.g. echo $@/$# >> /tmp/incron.log
doesn't work). If you're debugging, the best you can do is add a
layer of indirection by using a wrapper script that does the
redirection you need (e.g. echo $1 2&>1 >> /tmp/incron.log
and calling the wrapper script in your incrontab with the incron
arguments (e.g. $@/$#
). This all makes debugging
misbehaving commands pretty painful. The main place to check if
your commands are running is the cron log (/var/log/cron
) on
RHEL/CentOS, and syslog (/var/log/syslog
) on Ubuntu/Debian.
incron is also very picky about whitespace in your incrontab.
If you put more than one space (or a tab) between the inotify
masks and your command, you'll get an error in your cron log
saying cannot exec process: No such file or directory
, because
incron will have included everything after the first space as part
of your command e.g. (gavin) CMD ( echo /home/gavin/tmp/foo)
(note the evil space before the echo
It's often difficult (and non-intuitive) to figure out what inotify
events you want to trigger on in your incrontab masks. For instance,
does 'IN_CREATE' get fired when you replace an existing file with a
new version? What events are fired when you do a mv
or a cp
If you're wanting to trigger on an incoming remote file copy, should
you use 'IN_CREATE' or 'IN_CLOSE_WRITE'? In general, you don't want to guess,
you actually want to test and see what events actually get fired on
the operations you're interested in. The easiest way to do this is
use inotifywait
from the inotify-tools
package, and run it using
inotifywait -m <dir>
, which will report to you all the inotify
events that get triggered on that directory (hit <Ctrl-C>
to exit).
The "If you're wanting to trigger on an incoming remote file copy,
should you use 'IN_CREATE' or 'IN_CLOSE_WRITE'?" above was a trick
question - it turns out it depends how you're doing the copy! If
you're just going a simple copy in-place (e.g. with scp
), then
(assuming you want the completed file) you're going to want to trigger
on 'IN_CLOSE_WRITE', since that's signalling all writing is complete and
the full file will be available. If you're using a vanilla rsync
though, that's not going to work, as rsync does a clever
write-to-a-hidden-file trick, and then moves the hidden file to
the destination name atomically. So in that case you're going to want
to trigger on 'IN_MOVED_TO', which will give you the destination
filename once the rsync is completed. So again, make sure you test
thoroughly before you deploy.
Though cron works fine with symlinks to crontab files (in e.g.
, incron doesn't support this in /etc/incron.d
symlinks just seem to be quietly ignored. (Maybe this is for
security, but it's not documented, afaict.)
Have I missed any? Any other nasties bitten you using incron
Sat 28 Jul 2018
Tags: sysadmin, mongodb
I've been doing a few upgrades of old standalone (not replica set)
mongodb databases lately, taking them from 2.6, 3.0, or 3.2 up to 3.6.
Here's my upgrade process on RHEL/CentOS, which has been working pretty
smoothly (cf. the mongodb notes here:
First, the WiredTiger storage engine (the default since mongodb 3.2)
"strongly" recommends using the xfs
filesystem on linux, rather than
for details). So the first thing to do is reorganise your disk to make
sure you have an xfs filesystem available to hold your upgraded database.
If you have the disk space, this may be reasonably straightforward; if
you don't, it's a serious PITA.
Once your filesystems are sorted, here's the upgrade procedure.
1. Take a full mongodump
of all your databases
cd /data # Any path with plenty of disk available
for $DB in db1 db2 db3; do
mongodump -d $DB -o mongodump-$DB-$(date +%Y%m%d)
2. Shut the current mongod
systemctl stop mongod
# Save the current mongodb.conf for reference
mv /etc/mongodb.conf /etc/mongod.conf.rpmsave
3. Hide the current /var/lib/mongo directory to avoid getting confused later.
Create your new mongo directory on the xfs filesystem you've prepared e.g. /opt
cd /var/lib
mv mongo mongo-old
# Create new mongo directory on your (new?) xfs filesytem
mkdir /opt/mongo
chown mongod:mongod /opt/mongo
4. Upgrade to mongo v3.6
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb.repo
# Add the following section, and disable any other mongodb repos you might have
name=MongoDB 3.6 Repository
# Then do a yum update on the mongodb packages
yum update mongodb-org-{server,tools,shell}
5. Check/modify the new mongod.conf
. See
for all the details on the 3.6 config file options. In particular, dbPath
should point
to the new xfs-based mongo directory you created in (3) above.
vi /etc/mongod.conf
# Your 'storage' settings should look something like this:
dbPath: /opt/mongo
enabled: true
engine: "wiredTiger"
blockCompressor: snappy
prefixCompression: true
6. Restart mongod
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable mongod
systemctl start mongod
systemctl status mongod
7. If all looks good, reload the mongodump
data from (1):
cd /data
for $DB in db1 db2 db3; do
mongorestore --drop mongodump-$DB-$(date +%Y%m%d)
All done!
These are the basics anyway. This doesn't cover configuring access control on your
new database, or wrangling SELinux permissions on your database directory, but if
you're doing those currently you should be able to figure those out.
Fri 09 Feb 2018
Tags: sysadmin, linux, centos, sftp
Had to setup a new file transfer host recently, with the following requirements:
- individual login accounts required (for customers, no anonymous access)
- support for (secure) downloads, ideally via a browser (no special software required)
- support for (secure) uploads, ideally via sftp (most of our customers are familiar with ftp)
Our target was RHEL/CentOS 7, but this should transfer to other linuxes pretty
Here's the schema we ended up settling on, which seems to give us a good mix of
security and flexibility.
- use apache with HTTPS and PAM with local accounts, one per customer, and
shell accounts
- users have their own groups (group=
), and also belong to the sftp
- we use the
group for internal company accounts, but NOT for customers
- customer data directories live in /data
- we use a 3-layer hierarchy for security:
are created with a nologin
- the
directory must be owned by root:$USER
, with
permissions 750
, and is used for an sftp chroot directory (not writeable
by the user)
- the next-level
directory should be owned by $USER:users
with permissions 2770
(where users
is our internal company user group, so both
the customer and our internal users can write here)
- we also add an ACL to
to allow the company-internal users
group read/search access (but not write)
We just use openssh internal-sftp
to provide sftp access, with the following config:
Subsystem sftp internal-sftp
Match Group sftp
ChrootDirectory /data/chroot_%u
X11Forwarding no
AllowTcpForwarding no
ForceCommand internal-sftp -d /%u
So we chroot sftp connections to /data/chroot_$USER
and then (via the ForceCommand
chdir to /data/chroot_$USER/$USER
, so they start off in the writeable part of their
tree. (If they bother to pwd
, they see that they're in /$USER
, and they can chdir
up a level, but there's nothing else there except their $USER
directory, and they
can't write to the chroot.)
Here's a slightly simplified version of the newuser
script we use:
die() {
echo $*
exit 1
test -n "$1" || die "usage: $(basename $0) <username>"
# Create the user and home directories
mkdir -p /data/chroot_$USERNAME/$USERNAME
useradd --user-group -G sftp -d /data/chroot_$USERNAME/$USERNAME -s /sbin/nologin $USERNAME
# Set home directory permissions
chown root:$USERNAME /data/chroot_$USERNAME
chmod 750 /data/chroot_$USERNAME
setfacl -m group:users:rx /data/chroot_$USERNAME
chown $USERNAME:users /data/chroot_$USERNAME/$USERNAME
chmod 2770 /data/chroot_$USERNAME/$USERNAME
# Set user password manually
passwd $USERNAME
And we add an apache config file like the following to /etc/httpd/user.d
<Directory /data/chroot_CUSTOMER/CUSTOMER>
Options +Indexes
Include "conf/auth.conf"
Require user CUSTOMER
changed to the local username), and where conf/auth.conf
the authentication configuration against our local PAM users and allows internal
company users access.
So far so good, but how do we restrict customers to their own /CUSTOMER
That's pretty easy too - we just disallow customers from accessing our apache document
root, and redirect them to a magic '/user' endpoint using an ErrorDocument 403
<Directory /var/www/html>
Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks
Include "conf/auth.conf"
# Any user not in auth.conf, redirect to /user
ErrorDocument 403 "/user"
with /user
defined as follows:
# Magic /user endpoint, redirecting to /$USERNAME
<Location /user>
Include "conf/auth.conf"
Require valid-user
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} ^[a-z].*
RewriteRule ^\/(.*)$ /%{LA-U:REMOTE_USER}/ [R]
The combination of these two says that any valid user NOT in auth.conf should
be redirected to their own /CUSTOMER
endpoint, so each customer user lands
there, and can't get anywhere else.
Works well, no additional software is required over vanilla apache and openssh,
and it still feels relatively simple, while meeting our security requirements.
Fri 08 Jul 2016
Tags: linux, sysadmin
Since I got bitten by this recently, let me blog a quick warning here:
glibc iconv
- a utility for character set conversions, like iso8859-1 or
windows-1252 to utf-8 - has a nasty misfeature/bug: if you give it data on
stdin it will slurp the entire file into memory before it does a single
character conversion.
Which is fine if you're running small input files. If you're trying to
convert a 10G file on a VPS with 2G of RAM, however ... not so good!
This looks to be a
known issue, with
patches submitted to fix it in August 2015, but I'm not sure if they've
been merged, or into which version of glibc. Certainly RHEL/CentOS 7 (with
glibc 2.17) and Ubuntu 14.04 (with glibc 2.19) are both affected.
Once you know about the issue, it's easy enough to workaround - there's an
iconv-chunks wrapper on github that
breaks the input into chunks before feeding it to iconv, or you can do much
the same thing using the lovely GNU parallel
gunzip -c monster.csv.gz | parallel --pipe -k iconv -f windows-1252 -t utf8
Nasty OOM avoided!
Mon 20 May 2013
Tags: dell, drac, linux, sysadmin
Note to self: this seems to be the most reliable way of checking whether
a Dell machine has a DRAC card installed:
sudo ipmitool sdr elist mcloc
If there is, you'll see some kind of DRAC card:
iDRAC6 | 00h | ok | 7.1 | Dynamic MC @ 20h
If there isn't, you'll see only a base management controller:
BMC | 00h | ok | 7.1 | Dynamic MC @ 20h
You need ipmi setup for this (if you haven't already):
# on RHEL/CentOS etc.
yum install OpenIPMI
service ipmi start
Wed 26 Sep 2012
Tags: devops, sysadmin
If you're a modern sysadmin you've probably been sipping at the devops
koolaid and trying out one or more of the current system configuration
management tools like puppet or chef.
These tools are awesome - particularly for homogenous large-scale
deployments of identical nodes.
In practice in the enterprise, though, things get more messy. You can
have legacy nodes that can't be puppetised due to their sensitivity and
importance; or nodes that are sufficiently unusual that the payoff of
putting them under configuration management doesn't justify the work;
or just systems which you don't have full control over.
We've been using a simple tool called extract in these kinds of
environments, which pulls a given set of files from remote hosts and
stores them under version control in a set of local per-host trees.
You can think of it as the yang to puppet or chef's yin - instead of
pushing configs onto remote nodes, it's about pulling configs off
nodes, and storing them for tracking and change control.
We've been primarily using it in a RedHat/CentOS environment, so we
use it in conjunction with
which identifies all the config files under /etc that have been
changed from their deployment versions, or are custom files not
belonging to a package.
Extract doesn't care where its list of files to extract comes from, so
it should be easily customised for other environments.
It uses a simple extract.conf
shell-variable-style config file,
like this:
# Where extracted files are to be stored (in per-host trees)
# Hosts from which to extract (space separated)
EXTRACT_HOSTS=host1 host2 host3
# File containing list of files to extract (on the remote host, not locally)
Extract also allows arbitrary scripts to be called at the beginning
(setup) and end (teardown) of a run, and before and/or after each host.
Extract ships with some example shell scripts for loading ssh keys, and
checking extracted changes into git or bzr. These hooks are also
configured in the extract.conf
config e.g.:
# Pre-process scripts
# PRE_EXTRACT_SETUP - run once only, before any extracts are done
# PRE_EXTRACT_HOST - run before each host extraction
# Post process scripts
# POST_EXTRACT_HOST - run after each host extraction
# POST_EXTRACT_TEARDOWN - run once only, after all extracts are completed
Extract is available on github, and
packages for RHEL/CentOS 5 and 6 are available from
my repository.
Feedback/pull requests always welcome.
Fri 28 Oct 2011
Tags: ldap, openldap, rhel, centos, linux, sysadmin
Having spent too much of this week debugging problems around migrating
ldap servers from RHEL5 to RHEL6, here are some miscellaneous notes
to self:
The service is named ldap
on RHEL5, and slapd
on RHEL6 e.g.
you do service ldap start
on RHEL5, but service slapd start
on RHEL6
On RHEL6, you want all of the following packages installed on your clients:
yum install openldap-clients pam_ldap nss-pam-ldapd
This seems to be the magic incantation that works for me (with real SSL
certificates, though):
authconfig --enableldap --enableldapauth \
--ldapserver \
--ldapbasedn="dc=example,dc=com" \
Be aware that there are multiple ldap configuration files involved now.
All of the following end up with ldap config entries in them and need to
be checked:
- /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
- /etc/pam_ldap.conf
- /etc/nslcd.conf
- /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
Note too that /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
uses uppercased directives (e.g. URI
that get lowercased in the other files (URI
-> uri
). Additionally, some
directives are confusingly renamed as well - e.g. TLA_CACERT
becomes tla_cacertfile
in most of the others.
If you want to do SSL or TLS, you should know that the default behaviour
is for ldap clients to verify certificates, and give misleading bind errors
if they can't validate them. This means:
if you're using self-signed certificates, add TLS_REQCERT allow
on your clients, which means allow certificates
the clients can't validate
if you're using CA-signed certificates, and want to verify them, add
your CA PEM certificate to a directory of your choice (e.g.
, or /etc/pki/tls/certs
, for instance), and point
to it using TLA_CACERT
in /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
, and
in /etc/ldap.conf
RHEL6 uses a new-fangled /etc/openldap/slapd.d
directory for the old
config data, and the
RHEL6 Migration Guide
tells you to how to convert from one to the other. But if you simply
rename the default slapd.d
directory, slapd will use the old-style
file quite happily, which is much easier to read/modify/debug,
at least while you're getting things working.
If you run into problems on the server, there are lots of helpful utilities
included with the openldap-servers
package. Check out the manpages for
, slapcat(8)
, slapacl(8)
, slapadd(8)
, etc.
Further reading:
Tue 18 Oct 2011
Tags: linux, sysadmin, centos, rhel
rpm-find-changes is a little script I wrote a while ago for rpm-based
systems (RedHat, CentOS, Mandriva, etc.). It finds files in a filesystem
tree that are not owned by any rpm package (orphans), or are modified
from the version distributed with their rpm. In other words, any file
that has been introduced or changed from it's distributed version.
It's intended to help identify candidates for backup, or just for
tracking interesting changes. I run it nightly on /etc on most of my
machines, producing a list of files that I copy off the machine (using
another tool, which I'll blog about later) and store in a git
I've also used it for tracking changes to critical configuration trees
across multiple machines, to make sure everything is kept in sync, and
to be able to track changes over time.
Available on github:
Wed 23 Feb 2011
Tags: sysadmin, redis, ruby
When you have more than a handful of hosts on your network, you need to
start keeping track of what services are living where, what roles
particular servers have, etc. This can be documentation-based (say on a
wiki, or offline), or it can be implicit in a configuration management
system. Old-school sysadmins often used dns TXT records for these kind of
notes, on the basis that it was easy to look them up from the command
line from anywhere.
I've been experimenting with the idea of using lightweight tags attached
to hostnames for this kind of data, and it's been working really nicely.
Hosttag is just a couple of ruby command line utilities, one (hosttag
or ht
) for doing tag or host lookups, and one (htset
) for
doing adds and deletes. Both are network based, so you can do lookups
from wherever you are, rather than having to go to somewhere centralised.
Hosttag uses a redis server to store the hostname-tag
and tag-hostname mappings as redis sets, which makes queries lightning
fast, and setup straightforward.
So let's see it in action (rpms available in
my yum repo):
# Installation - first install redis somewhere, and setup a 'hosttag'
# dns alias to the redis host (or use the `-s <server>` option in
# the examples that follow). e.g. on CentOS:
$ yum install redis rubygem-redis
# Install hosttag as an rpm package (from my yum repo).
# Also requires/installs the redis rubygem.
$ yum install hosttag
# gem version coming soon (gem install hosttag)
# Setup some test data (sudo is required for setting and deleting)
# Usage: htset --tag <host> <tag1> <tag2> <tag3> ...
$ sudo htset --tag server1 dns dell ldap server centos centos5 i386 syd
$ sudo htset --tag server2 dns dell ldap server debian debian6 x86_64 mel
$ sudo htset --tag server3 hp nfs server centos centos6 x86_64 syd
$ sudo htset --tag lappy laptop ubuntu maverick i386 syd
# Now run some queries
# Query by tag
$ ht dns
server1 server2
$ ht i386
lappy server1
# Query by host
$ ht server2
debian debian6 dell dns ldap mel server x86_64
# Multiple arguments
$ ht --or centos debian
server1 server2 server3
$ ht --and dns ldap
server1 server2
# All hosts
$ ht --all
lappy server1 server2 server3
# All tags
$ ht --all-tags
centos centos5 centos6 debian debian6 dell dns hp i386 laptop ldap \
maverick mel nfs server syd ubuntu x86_64
An obvious use case is to perform actions on multiple hosts using your
ssh loop of choice e.g.
$ sshr $(ht centos) 'yum -y update'
Finally, a warning: hosttag doesn't have any security built in yet, so it
should only be used on trusted networks.
Source code is on github - patches
welcome :-).
Sun 09 Jan 2011
Tags: linux, sysadmin
Here's what I use to take a quick inventory of a machine before a rebuild,
both to act as a reference during the rebuild itself, and in case something
goes pear-shaped. The whole chunk after script
up to exit
# as root, where you want your inventory file
script $(hostname).inventory
export PS1='\h:\w\$ ' # reset prompt to avoid ctrl chars
fdisk -l /dev/sd? # list partition tables
cat /proc/mdstat # list raid devices
pvs # list lvm stuff
df -h # list mounts
ip addr # list network interfaces
ip route # list network routes
cat /etc/resolv.conf # show resolv.conf
# Cleanup control characters in the inventory
perl -i -pe 's/\r//g; s/\033\]\d+;//g; s/\033\[\d+m//g; s/\007/\//g' \
# And then copy it somewhere else in case of problems ;-)
scp $(hostname).inventory somewhere:
Anything else useful I've missed?
Sat 04 Dec 2010
Tags: sysadmin, cronologue, blosxom
Came across cronologger
(blog post)
recently (via Dean Wilson),
which is a simple wrapper script you use around your cron(8)
jobs, which
captures any stdout and stderr output and logs it to a couchdb database,
instead of the traditional behaviour of sending it to you as email.
It's a nice idea, particularly for jobs with important output where it
would be nice to able to look back in time more easily than by trawling
through a noisy inbox, or for sites with lots of cron jobs where the sheer
volume is difficult to handle usefully as email.
Cronologger comes with a simple web interface for displaying your cron jobs,
but so far it's pretty rudimentary. I quickly realised that this was another
place (cf. blosxom4nagios) where
blosxom could be used to provide a pretty
useful gui with very little work.
Thus: cronologue.
is the wrapper, written in perl, which logs job records and
and stdout/stderr output via standard HTTP PUTs back to a designated apache
server, as flat text files. Parameters can be used to control whether job
records are always created, or only when there is output produced. There's
also a --passthru mode in which stdout and stderr streams are still output,
allowing both email and cronologue output to be produced.
On the server side a custom blosxom install is used to display the job records,
which can be filtered by hostname or by date. There's also an RSS feed available.
Obligatory screenshot:

Update: I should add that RPMs for CentOS5 (but which will probably work on
most RPM-based distros) are available from
my yum repository.
Tue 16 Nov 2010
Tags: riak, sysadmin, brackup, rhel, centos
Been playing with Riak recently, which is
one of the modern dynamo-derived nosql databases (the other main ones being
Cassandra and Voldemort). We're evaluating it for use as a really large
brackup datastore, the primary attraction
being the near linear scalability available by adding (relatively cheap) new
nodes to the cluster, and decent availability options in the face of node
I've built riak packages for RHEL/CentOS 5, available at my
and added support for a riak 'target' to the
latest version (1.10) of brackup
(packages also available at my repo).
The first thing to figure out is the maximum number of nodes you expect
your riak cluster to get to. This you use to size the ring_creation_size
setting, which is the number of partitions the hash space is divided into.
It must be a power of 2 (64, 128, 256, etc.), and the reason it's important
is that it cannot be easily changed after the cluster has been created.
The rule of thumb is that for performance you want at least 10 partitions
per node/machine, so the default ring_creation_size
of 64 is really only
useful up to about 6 nodes. 128 scales to 10-12, 256 to 20-25, etc. For more
info see the Riak Wiki.
Here's the script I use for configuring a new node on CentOS. The main
things to tweak here are the ring_creation_size
you want (here I'm using
512, for a biggish cluster), and the interface to use to get the default ip
address (here eth0
, or you could just hardcode instead of $ip
# Riak configuration script for CentOS/RHEL
# Install riak (and IO::Interface, for next)
yum -y install riak perl-IO-Interface
# To set app.config:web_ip to use primary ip, do:
perl -MIO::Interface::Simple -i \
-pe "BEGIN { \$ip = IO::Interface::Simple->new(q/eth0/)->address; }
s/127\.0\.0\.1/\$ip/" /etc/riak/app.config
# To add a ring_creation_size clause to app.config, do:
perl -i \
-pe 's/^((\s*)%% riak_web_ip)/$2%% ring_creation_size is the no. of partitions to divide the hash
$2%% space into (default: 64).
$2\{ring_creation_size, 512\},
$1/' /etc/riak/app.config
# To set riak vm_args:name to hostname do:
perl -MSys::Hostname -i -pe 's/127\.0\.0\.1/hostname/e' /etc/riak/vm.args
# display (bits of) config files for checking
echo '********************'
echo /etc/riak/app.config
echo '********************'
head -n30 /etc/riak/app.config
echo '********************'
echo /etc/riak/vm.args
echo '********************'
cat /etc/riak/vm.args
Save this to a file called e.g. riak_configure
, and then to configure a couple
of nodes you do the following (note that NODE
is any old internal hostname you use
to ssh to the host in question, but FIRST_NODE
needs to use the actual -name
parameter defined in /etc/riak/vm.args
on your first node):
# First node
cat riak_configure | ssh $NODE sh
ssh $NODE 'chkconfig riak on; service riak start'
# Run the following until ringready reports TRUE
ssh $NODE riak-admin ringready
# All nodes after the first
cat riak_configure | ssh $NODE sh
ssh $NODE "chkconfig riak on; service riak start && riak-admin join $FIRST_NODE"
# Run the following until ringready reports TRUE
ssh $NODE riak-admin ringready
That's it. You should now have a working riak cluster accessible on port 8098 on your
cluster nodes.
Fri 08 Oct 2010
Tags: sysadmin, centos, pxe
Problem: you've got a remote server that's significantly hosed, either
through a screwup somewhere or a power outage that did nasty things to
your root filesystem or something. You have no available remote hands,
and/or no boot media anyway.
Preconditions: You have another server you can access on the same
network segment, and remote access to the broken server, either through
a DRAC or iLO type card, or through some kind of serial console server
(like a Cyclades/Avocent box).
Solution: in extremis, you can do a remote rebuild. Here's the simplest
recipe I've come up with. I'm rebuilding using centos5-x86_64 version
5.5; adjust as necessary.
Note: dnsmasq
, mrepo
and syslinux
are not core CentOS packages,
so you need to enable the rpmforge
repository to follow this recipe. This just involves:
rpm -Uvh rpmforge-release-0.5.1-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm
1. On your working box (which you're now going to press into service as a
build server), install and configure dnsmasq
to provide dhcp
and tftp
# Install dnsmasq
yum install dnsmasq
# Add the following lines to the bottom of your /etc/dnsmasq.conf file
# Note that we don't use the following ip address, but the directive
# itself is required for dnsmasq to turn dhcp functionality on
# Here use the broken server's mac addr, hostname, and ip address
# Point the centos5x tag at the tftpboot environment you're going to setup
# And enable tftp
tftp-root = /tftpboot
# Then start up dnsmasq
service dnsmasq start
2. Install and configure mrepo
to provide your CentOS build environment:
# Install mrepo and syslinux
yum install mrepo syslinux
# Setup a minimal /etc/mrepo.conf e.g.
cat > /etc/mrepo.conf
srcdir = /var/mrepo
wwwdir = /var/www/mrepo
confdir = /etc/mrepo.conf.d
arch = x86_64
mailto =
smtp-server = localhost
pxelinux = /usr/lib/syslinux/pxelinux.0
tftpdir = /tftpboot
release = 5
arch = x86_64
metadata = repomd repoview
name = Centos-$release $arch
#iso = CentOS-$release.5-$arch-bin-DVD-?of2.iso
#iso = CentOS-$release.5-$arch-bin-?of8.iso
# (uncomment one of the iso lines above, either the DVD or the CD one)
# Download the set of DVD or CD ISOs for the CentOS version you want
# There are fewer DVD ISOs, but you need to use bittorrent to download
mkdir -p /var/mrepo/iso
cd /var/mrepo/iso
# Once your ISOs are available in /var/mrepo/iso, and the 'iso' line
# in /etc/mrepo.conf updated appropriately, run mrepo itself
mrepo -gvv
3. Finally, finish setting up your tftp environment. mrepo should have copied
appropriate pxelinux.0
, initrd.img
, and vmlinuz
files into your
directory, so all you need to supply is an
appropriate grub boot config:
cd /tftpboot/centos5-x86_64
mkdir -p pxelinux.cfg
# Setup a default grub config (adjust the serial/console and repo params as needed)
cat > pxelinux.cfg/default
default linux
serial 0,9600n8
label linux
root (nd)
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.img console=ttyS0,9600 repo=
Now get your server to do a PXE boot (via a boot option or the bios or whatever),
and hopefully your broken server will find your dhcp/tftp environment and boot up
in install mode, and away you go.
If you have problems with the boot, try checking your /var/log/messages
file on the
boot server for hints.
Mon 22 Mar 2010
Tags: dell, omsa, centos, rhel, linux, sysadmin
Following on from my IPMI explorations, here's the next
chapter in my getting-down-and-dirty-with-dell-hardware-on-linux adventures.
This time I'm setting up Dell's
OpenManage Server Administrator
software, primarily in order to explore being able to configure bios settings
from within the OS. As before, I'm running CentOS 5, but OMSA supports any of
RHEL4, RHEL5, SLES9, and SLES10, and various versions of Fedora Core and
Here's what I did to get up and running:
# Configure the Dell OMSA repository
wget -O
# Review the script to make sure you trust it, and then run it
# OR, for CentOS5/RHEL5 x86_64 you can just install the following:
rpm -Uvh\
# Install base version of OMSA, without gui (install srvadmin-all for more)
yum install srvadmin-base
# One of daemons requires /usr/bin/lockfile, so make sure you've got procmail installed
yum install procmail
# If you're running an x86_64 OS, there are a couple of additional 32-bit
# libraries you need that aren't dependencies in the RPMs
yum install compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-61.i386 pam.i386
# Start OMSA daemons
for i in instsvcdrv dataeng dsm_om_shrsvc; do service $i start; done
# Finally, you can update your path by doing logout/login, or just run:
. /etc/profile.d/
Now to check whether you're actually functional you can try a few of the
following (as root):
omconfig about
omreport about
omreport system -?
omreport chassis -?
is the OMSA CLI reporting/query tool, and omconfig
is the
equivalent update tool. The main documentation for the current version of
OMSA is here.
I found the CLI User's Guide
the most useful.
Here's a sampler of interesting things to try:
# Report system overview
omreport chassis
# Report system summary info (OS, CPUs, memory, PCIe slots, DRAC cards, NICs)
omreport system summary
# Report bios settings
omreport chassis biossetup
# Fan info
omreport chassis fans
# Temperature info
omreport chassis temps
# CPU info
omreport chassis processors
# Memory and memory slot info
omreport chassis memory
# Power supply info
omreport chassis pwrsupplies
# Detailed PCIe slot info
omreport chassis slots
# DRAC card info
omreport chassis remoteaccess
allows setting object attributes using a key=value
syntax, which
can get reasonably complex. See the CLI User's Guide above for details, but
here are some examples of messing with various bios settings:
# See available attributes and settings
omconfig chassis biossetup -?
# Turn the AC Power Recovery setting to On
omconfig chassis biossetup attribute=acpwrrecovery setting=on
# Change the serial communications setting (on with serial redirection via)
omconfig chassis biossetup attribute=serialcom setting=com1
omconfig chassis biossetup attribute=serialcom setting=com2
# Change the external serial connector
omconfig chassis biossetup attribute=extserial setting=com1
omconfig chassis biossetup attribute=extserial setting=rad
# Change the Console Redirect After Boot (crab) setting
omconfig chassis biossetup attribute=crab setting=enabled
omconfig chassis biossetup attribute=crab setting=disabled
# Change NIC settings (turn on PXE on NIC1)
omconfig chassis biossetup attribute=nic1 setting=enabledwithpxe
Finally, there are some interesting formatting options available to both
omreport, for use in scripting e.g.
# Custom delimiter format (default semicolon)
omreport chassis -fmt cdv
# XML format
omreport chassis -fmt xml
# To change the default cdv delimiter
omconfig preferences cdvformat -?
omconfig preferences cdvformat delimiter=pipe
Wed 20 Jan 2010
Tags: backups, brackup, sysadmin
After using brackup for a while you find
you have a big list of backups sitting on your server, and start to think
about cleaning up some of the older ones. The standard brackup tool for this
is brackup-target
, and the prune
and gc
(garbage collection)
Typical usage is something like this:
# List the backups for a particular target on the server e.g.
brackup-target $TARGET list-backups
Backup File Backup Date Size (B)
----------- ----------- --------
images-1262106544 Thu 31 Dec 2009 03:32:49 1263128
images-1260632447 Sun 13 Dec 2009 08:19:13 1168281
images-1250042378 Wed 25 Nov 2009 06:25:06 977464
images-1239323644 Mon 09 Nov 2009 00:30:34 846523
images-1239577352 Thu 29 Oct 2009 13:03:02 846523
# Decide how many backups you want to keep, and prune (delete) the rest
brackup-target --keep-backups 15 $TARGET prune
# Prune just removes the brackup files on the server, so now you need to
# run a garbage collect to delete any 'chunks' that are now orphaned
brackup-target --interactive $TARGET gc
This simple scheme - "keep the last N backups" - works pretty nicely for
backups you do relatively infrequently. If you do more frequent backups,
however, you might find yourself wanting to be able to implement more
sophisticated retention policies. Traditional backup regimes often involve
policies like this:
- keep the last 2 weeks of daily backups
- keep the last 8 weekly backups
- keep monthly backups forever
It's not necessarily obvious how to do something like this with brackup, but
it's actually pretty straightforward. The trick is to define multiple
'sources' in your brackup.conf, one for each backup 'level' you want to use.
For instance, to implement the regime above, you might define the following:
# Daily backups
path = /data/images
# Weekly backups
path = /data/images
# Monthly backups
path = /data/images
You'd then use the images-monthly
source once a month, the images-weekly
source once a week, and the images
source the rest of the time. Your list
of backups would then look something like this:
Backup File Backup Date Size (B)
----------- ----------- --------
images-1234567899 Sat 05 Dec 2009 03:32:49 1263128
images-1234567898 Fri 04 Dec 2009 03:19:13 1168281
images-1234567897 Thu 03 Dec 2009 03:19:13 1168281
images-1234567896 Wed 02 Dec 2009 03:19:13 1168281
images-monthly-1234567895 Tue 01 Dec 2009 03:19:13 1168281
images-1234567894 Mon 30 Nov 2009 03:19:13 1168281
images-weekly-1234567893 Sun 29 Nov 2009 03:19:13 1168281
images-1234567892 Sat 28 Nov 2009 03:25:06 977464
And when you prune
, you want to specify a --source argument, and specify
separate --keep-backups settings for each level e.g. for the above:
# Keep 2 weeks worth of daily backups
brackup-target --source images --keep-backups 12 $TARGET prune
# Keep 8 weeks worth of weekly backups
brackup-target --source images-weekly --keep-backups 8 $TARGET prune
# Keep all monthly backups, so we don't prune them at all
# And then garbage collect as normal
brackup-target --interactive $TARGET gc
Fri 01 Jan 2010
Tags: linux, anycast, dns, sysadmin
(Okay, brand new year - must be time to get back on the blogging wagon ...)
Linux Journal recently had a really good article
by Philip Martin on Anycast DNS. It's
well worth a read - I just want to point it out and record a cutdown version of
how I've been setting it up recently.
As the super-quick intro, anycast is the idea of providing a network service
at multiple points in a network, and then routing requests to the 'nearest'
service provider for any particular client. There's a one-to-many relationship
between an ip address and the hosts that are providing services on that address.
In the LJ article above, this means you provide a service on a /32 host address,
and then use a(n) (interior) dynamic routing protocol to advertise that address
to your internal routers. If you're a non-cisco linux shop, that means using
The classic anycast service is dns, since it's stateless and benefits from the
high availability and low latency benefits of a distributed anycast service.
So here's my quick-and-dirty notes on setting up an anycast dns server on
CentOS/RHEL using dnsmasq
for dns, and quagga zebra/ospfd
for the routing.
First, setup your anycast ip address (e.g. on a random
virtual loopback interface e.g. lo:0. On CentOS/RHEL, this means you want
to setup a /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-lo:0
file containing:
Setup your dns server to listen to (at least) your anycast dns interface.
With dnsmasq, I use an /etc/dnsmasq.conf
config like:
Use quagga's zebra/ospfd
to advertise this host address to your internal
routers. I use a completely vanilla zebra.conf
, and an /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf
config like:
hostname myhost
password mypassword
log syslog
router ospf
! Local segments (adjust for your network config and ospf areas)
network area 0
! Anycast address redistribution
redistribute connected metric-type 1
distribute-list ANYCAST out connected
access-list ANYCAST permit
That's it. Now (as root) start everything up:
ifup lo:0
for s in dnsmasq zebra ospfd; do
service $s start
chkconfig $s on
tail -50f /var/log/messages
And then check on your router that the anycast dns address is getting advertised
and picked up by your router. If you're using cisco, you're probably know how to
do that; if you're using linux and quagga, the useful vtysh
commands are:
show ip ospf interface <interface>
show ip ospf neighbor
show ip ospf database
show ip ospf route
show ip route
Wed 20 Aug 2008
Tags: backups, brackup, sysadmin
Further to my earlier post, I've spent a good chunk
of time implementing brackup
over the last few weeks, both at home for my
personal backups, and at $work on some really large trees. There are a few
gotchas along the way, so thought I'd document some of them here.
Active Filesystems
First, as soon as you start trying to brackup trees on any size you find
that brackup aborts if it finds a file has changed between the time it
initially walks the tree and when it comes to back it up. On an active
filesystem this can happen pretty quickly.
This is arguably reasonable behaviour on brackup's part, but it gets
annoying pretty fast. The cleanest solution is to use some kind of
filesystem snapshot to ensure you're backing up a consistent view of your
data and a quiescent filesystem.
I'm using linux and LVM, so I'm using LVM snapshots for this, using
something like:
mkdir -p /${PART}_snap
lvcreate -L$SIZE --snapshot --permission r -n ${PART}_snap /dev/$VG/$PART && \
mount -o ro /dev/$VG/${PART}_snap /${PART}_snap
which snapshots /dev/VolGroup00/export to /dev/VolGroup00/export_snap, and
mounts the snapshot read-only on /export_snap.
The reverse, post-backup, is similar:
umount /${PART}_snap && \
lvremove -f /dev/$VG/${PART}_snap
which unmounts the snapshot and then deletes it.
You can then do your backup using the /${PART}_snap
tree instead of your
original ${PART}
Brackup Digests
So snapshots works nicely. Next wrinkle is that by default brackup writes its
digest cache file to the root of your source tree, which in this case is
readonly. So you want to tell brackup to put that in the original tree, not
the snapshot, which you do in the your ~/.brackup.conf
file e.g.
path = /export_snap/home
digestdb_file = /exportb/home/.brackup-digest.db
ignore = \.brackup-digest.db$
I've also added an explicit ignore rule for these digest files here. You
don't really need to back these up as they're just caches, and they can get
pretty large. Brackup automatically skips the digestdb_file for you, but it
doesn't skip any others you might have, if for instance you're backing up
the same tree to multiple targets.
Synching Backups Between Targets
Another nice hack you can do with brackup is sync backups on
filesystem-based targets (that is, Target::Filesystem, Target::Ftp, and
Target::Sftp) between systems. For instance, I did my initial home directory
backup of about 10GB onto my laptop, and then carried my laptop into where
my server is located, and then rsync-ed the backup from my laptop to the
server. Much faster than copying 10GB of data over an ADSL line!
Similarly, at $work I'm doing brackups onto a local backup server on the
LAN, and then rsyncing the brackup tree to an offsite server for disaster
recovery purposes.
There are a few gotchas when doing this, though. One is that
Target::Filesystem backups default to using colons in their chunk file names
on Unix-like filesystems (for backwards-compatibility reasons), while
Target::Ftp and Target::Sftp ones don't. The safest thing to do is just to
turn off colons altogether on Filesystem targets:
type = Filesystem
path = /export/brackup/nox/home
no_filename_colons = 1
Second, brackup uses a local inventory database to avoid some remote
filesystem checks to improve performance, so that if you replicate a backup
onto another target you also need to make a copy of the inventory database
so that brackup knows which chunks are already on your new target.
The inventory database defaults to $HOME/.brackup-target-TARGETNAME.invdb
(see perldoc Brackup::InventoryDatabase
), so something like the following
is usually sufficient:
cp $HOME/.brackup-target-OLDTARGET.invdb $HOME/.brackup-target-NEWTARGET.invdb
Third, if you want to do a restore using a brackup file (the
SOURCE-DATE.brackup output file brackup produces) from a different
target, you typically need to make a copy and then update the header
portion for the target type and host/path details of your new target.
Assuming you do that and your new target has all the same chunks, though,
restores work just fine.
Mon 07 Jul 2008
Tags: backups, brackup, sysadmin
I've been playing around with Brad Fitzpatrick's
brackup for the last couple of weeks.
It's a backup tool that "slices, dices, encrypts, and sprays across the
net" - notably to Amazon S3,
but also to filesystems (local or networked), FTP servers, or SSH/SFTP
I'm using it to backup my home directories and all my image and music
files both to a linux server I have available in a data centre (via
SFTP) and to Amazon S3.
brackup's a bit rough around the edges and could do with some better
documentation and some optimisation, but it's pretty useful as it stands.
Here are a few notes and tips from my playing so far, to save others a
bit of time.
Version: as I write the latest version on CPAN is 1.06, but that's
pretty old - you really want to use the
current subversion trunk
instead. Installation is the standard perl module incantation e.g.
# Checkout from svn or whatever
cd brackup
perl Makefile.PL
make test
sudo make install
Basic usage is as follows:
# First-time through (on linux, in my case):
mkdir brackup
cd brackup
Error: Your config file needs tweaking. I put a commented-out template at:
# Edit the vanilla .brackup.conf that was created for you.
# You want to setup at least one SOURCE and one TARGET section initially,
# and probably try something smallish i.e. not your 50GB music collection!
# The Filesystem target is probably the best one to try out first.
# See '`perldoc Brackup::Root`' and '`perldoc Brackup::Target`' for examples
$EDITOR ~/.brackup.conf
# Now run your first backup changing SOURCE and TARGET below to the names
# you used in your .brackup.conf file
brackup -v --from=SOURCE --to=TARGET
# You can also do a dry run to see what brackup's going to do (undocumented)
brackup -v --from=SOURCE --to=TARGET --dry-run
If all goes well you should get some fairly verbose output about all the files
in your SOURCE tree that are being backed up for you, and finally a brackup
output file (typically named SOURCE-DATE.brackup
) should be written to your
current directory. You'll need this brackup file to do your restores, but it's
also stored on the target along with your backup, so you can also retrieve it
from there (using brackup-target
, below) if your local copy gets lost, or if
you need to restore to somewhere else.
Restores reference that SOURCE-DATE.brackup
file you just created:
# Create somewhere to restore to
mkdir -p /tmp/brackup-restore/full
# Restore the full tree you just backed up
brackup-restore -v --from=SOURCE-DATE.brackup --to=/tmp/brackup-restore/full --full
# Or restore just a subset of the tree
brackup-restore -v --from=SOURCE-DATE.brackup --to=/tmp/brackup-restore --just=DIR
brackup-restore -v --from=SOURCE-DATE.brackup --to=/tmp/brackup-restore --just=FILE
You can also use the brackup-target
utility to query a target for the
backups it has available, and do various kinds of cleanup:
# List the backups available on the given target
brackup-target TARGET list_backups
# Get the brackup output file for a specific backup (to restore)
brackup-target TARGET get_backup BACKUPFILE
# Delete a brackup file on the target
brackup-target TARGET delete_backup BACKUPFILE
# Prune the target to the most recent N backup files
brackup-target --keep-backups 15 TARGET prune
# Remove backup chunks no longer referenced by any backup file
brackup-target TARGET gc
That should be enough to get you up and running with brackup
- I'll
cover some additional tips and tricks in a subsequent post.