Brackup Tips and Tricks

Further to my earlier post, I've spent a good chunk of time implementing brackup over the last few weeks, both at home for my personal backups, and at $work on some really large trees. There are a few gotchas along the way, so thought I'd document some of them here.

Active Filesystems

First, as soon as you start trying to brackup trees on any size you find that brackup aborts if it finds a file has changed between the time it initially walks the tree and when it comes to back it up. On an active filesystem this can happen pretty quickly.

This is arguably reasonable behaviour on brackup's part, but it gets annoying pretty fast. The cleanest solution is to use some kind of filesystem snapshot to ensure you're backing up a consistent view of your data and a quiescent filesystem.

I'm using linux and LVM, so I'm using LVM snapshots for this, using something like:


mkdir -p /${PART}_snap
lvcreate -L$SIZE --snapshot --permission r -n ${PART}_snap /dev/$VG/$PART && \
  mount -o ro /dev/$VG/${PART}_snap /${PART}_snap

which snapshots /dev/VolGroup00/export to /dev/VolGroup00/export_snap, and mounts the snapshot read-only on /export_snap.

The reverse, post-backup, is similar:


umount /${PART}_snap && \
  lvremove -f /dev/$VG/${PART}_snap

which unmounts the snapshot and then deletes it.

You can then do your backup using the /${PART}_snap tree instead of your original ${PART} one.

Brackup Digests

So snapshots works nicely. Next wrinkle is that by default brackup writes its digest cache file to the root of your source tree, which in this case is readonly. So you want to tell brackup to put that in the original tree, not the snapshot, which you do in the your ~/.brackup.conf file e.g.

path = /export_snap/home
digestdb_file = /exportb/home/.brackup-digest.db
ignore = \.brackup-digest.db$

I've also added an explicit ignore rule for these digest files here. You don't really need to back these up as they're just caches, and they can get pretty large. Brackup automatically skips the digestdb_file for you, but it doesn't skip any others you might have, if for instance you're backing up the same tree to multiple targets.

Synching Backups Between Targets

Another nice hack you can do with brackup is sync backups on filesystem-based targets (that is, Target::Filesystem, Target::Ftp, and Target::Sftp) between systems. For instance, I did my initial home directory backup of about 10GB onto my laptop, and then carried my laptop into where my server is located, and then rsync-ed the backup from my laptop to the server. Much faster than copying 10GB of data over an ADSL line!

Similarly, at $work I'm doing brackups onto a local backup server on the LAN, and then rsyncing the brackup tree to an offsite server for disaster recovery purposes.

There are a few gotchas when doing this, though. One is that Target::Filesystem backups default to using colons in their chunk file names on Unix-like filesystems (for backwards-compatibility reasons), while Target::Ftp and Target::Sftp ones don't. The safest thing to do is just to turn off colons altogether on Filesystem targets:

type = Filesystem
path = /export/brackup/nox/home
no_filename_colons = 1

Second, brackup uses a local inventory database to avoid some remote filesystem checks to improve performance, so that if you replicate a backup onto another target you also need to make a copy of the inventory database so that brackup knows which chunks are already on your new target.

The inventory database defaults to $HOME/.brackup-target-TARGETNAME.invdb (see perldoc Brackup::InventoryDatabase), so something like the following is usually sufficient:

cp $HOME/.brackup-target-OLDTARGET.invdb $HOME/.brackup-target-NEWTARGET.invdb

Third, if you want to do a restore using a brackup file (the SOURCE-DATE.brackup output file brackup produces) from a different target, you typically need to make a copy and then update the header portion for the target type and host/path details of your new target. Assuming you do that and your new target has all the same chunks, though, restores work just fine.

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